Long story
Long story and short story and innovation
Controversial and shocking article by Professor Mohammad Hassan Shahsavari and the shocking content that compares the top professors and writers and the leaders of the bestsellers, namely Zoya Pirzad and Abbas Maroufi, to a work by a young and forbidden young man, Shin Barari, is surprising. This article was so well received that it was published as a book with the names of the best authors.
Page 01 - Book of Top Authors - Pen; Mohammad Hassan Shahsavari - Ali Publishing -
Explanation in a few words
in this brief, it is never intended to give an accurate and critical view of fiction, and modern fiction, or to weigh the value of the work of modern writers and modernity on the scales.Because although this is very necessary and expensive, but not now, I have the opportunity to discuss it and I do not see myself ready to meet this need.
My intention in writing these lines is only a brief introduction and, if possible, a new member of today's storytelling community, because I have reasons for his legitimacy, which I will inform you about in the same literary column.
It should also be noted that in this discussion, the names of three creative authors are mentioned and an example of their works is presented that if the name and example of a work is not seen from other contemporary writers, it is not due to their superiority or inferiority to the author, but only This is why my favorite example in the creative writing of these few is more and seems to be more useful and appropriate for clarification.
Reference ⁿ "(Nader Naderpour_Book of Grapes_Page 10)
Quoted from Nader Naderpour , a writer and poet of good patriotism, creative writing, like new poetry, is not the product of the thoughts and feelings of a few young and old, enthusiastic and optimistic people who create out of pain and leisure. They create works of art and literature, but creative writing is the product of thought and a sense of responsibility towards citizens of the same language and fellow human beings, which manifests itself in the form of a lexical arrangement with meaning and awareness.
Creative writing, if described in detail. traces all writers now home to the judgment seat, easily'll find out that every writer in the atmosphere subjective and what status and what insights and attitudes of the objective to creating his stricken.
first mention of "Jim" and "Dal" will deal with a work by (Zoya Pirzad) and (Abbas Maroufi) and only from a special aspect (constructive social concerns and futurism) these two prominent writers who are in exile and exile with case A (Shin BARARI) to turning the tide put to sum up the profound and palpable reach and remove the veil of uncertainty.
in this article, the following Kerr is an example of three short and long fiction works by these three authors, each of which is the first and best work in its own level and group. ___________________________________________ |Page 02 - Book of Top Authors - Pen;Mohammad Hassan Shahsavari - Ali Publishing - | __________________________________________ |
Now, we leave it to you, the audience, which one takes precedence over the other, because recognizing the importance and effectiveness of each of these three works is clear and obvious.
The third category and the case
of the sign - one of these works - who turned off the lights?
(The best and best-selling fiction book of 2018) is a magical pen written by Ms. Zoya Pirzad, who, in the post of her successful and best-selling long fiction literature, bridges the past and in the form of the memories of a sweet old woman in the heart of the story, from her childhood in Marzi. Van and the happy life he had with his mother's sister and father go back to the depths of a tragedy and the beginning of the Armenian genocide and their forced migration to the desert by the Ottoman army a hundred years ago.
Zoya Pirzad is a well-known and popular person who lives far from the current environment of Iran and has concerns about her universal outlook and historical memory, which are somehow included in her successful work and remind her audience of oppression by recalling a tragedy from a century ago. Informs the heinous injustice and crime against the Armenian people. He spoke beautifully and kept alive the memory of a crime and boundless oppression after a hundred years.
And in the whole of her work, she talks about the feminine concerns of the first person and recounts the inner actions and struggles of a lady with herself who is involved with her inner whisper.
In the second category. And the case of Jim
Abbas Maroufi with a successful work called the Symphony of the Dead (one of the best-selling works of Persian fiction that has been translated into several languages)
he dealt with the inhuman and shameful subject and action in the work (the category of fratricide) which dates back to Adam and Eve And Abel and Cain arrive, and an unpleasant act that happens from time to time in the corners of the world, and no end can ever be imagined for it, and this will continue until man is transformed into a human being on earth.
Therefore, with his rich literature and high creativity, he was able to create a successful and irreplaceable work, the theme of which will continue from the day of his dismissal forever.
| Page 03 - Top Writing Book - Pen; Mohammad Hassan Shahsavari - Ali Publishing -
| __________________________________________ |
In the first category and case A, the
work of "sexual duality" by Shahrooz Barari Siglani, nicknamed Henry on the cover, entitled "Shin Barari", represents the presence of friends' books.
In another work, "Inversion of Identity," he gives codes to the audience and the community that foreshadow the occurrence of a horrific and unprecedented tragedy,
surprisingly after a year of tragic tragedy in the same land and city, the metropolis. Rasht (the center of Gilan province in the north of the Iranian plateau and south of the Caspian Sea) occurs, which is not dissimilar to the story of Shin Barari, and their common aspects are:
_1_differences of taste and differences of father and son
2_traditional and fanatical
father 3_child (Girl) modern and dynamic with the reverse mindset of the father
4_ Rejection and escape of the daughter from the father's house ... The
child goes in pursuit of independence and emotional issues (love)
5_Returning the child (daughter) to the insecure father's house from the force of law Ruler of society
6_Father excuses to protect the reputation and prevent scandal (father pessimistic fantasies and fantasies)
7__Decision to kill the daughter, by a traditional father with the motive of protecting the
honor_8_making a shocking and shocking decision and killing his son (in both cases, the child,
Was a girl) 9_ to kill a girl while she is asleep.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
\ Footnote / ⁿ_1 The
meaning of the real story and tragedy is the murder of a 14-year-old girl by her father for fear of scandal and with the motive of preserving her reputation, which took place in June 2016 in the west of Gilan. And the news quickly became the headline of the news media and one tragedy after another took place in Gilan for seven days.
\ End of footnote /
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| Page 04 - Top Writers' Book - Pen; محمدحسن شهسواری- نشر علی- | __________________________________________ |
Now, I would like to ask a question on the basis of the concept of a writer's duties.
What are the duties and responsibilities of a person as a real writer?
Is it other than the fact that as a writer and thinker, before and more than his contemporaries, you bring the daily issues or the deep pains of your generation and era to the creativity of writing and bringing the problems to paper with the way of writing and arranging words? Continuity and leading your community to pay?
We quoted from Nader Naderpour in the book Grape, that the story exists in the conscience of all the people of the city and lies in the secret post of each one and waves, the author discovers this theme and throws it in the form of expression. In fact, the author is not the creator of the story, but He is the discoverer.
Now, in this dilemma of life, which author and which successful and best-selling book has been able to speak about the problems and sufferings of the society and write a beautiful and pleasant story in such a way that Shin Barry was the discoverer of the events before it happened?
Why in the selected works of recent years and the best-selling works such as the works of Zoya Pirzad and Abbas Maroufi, we do not find such a risk and courage that a writer speaks as a true and true prophecy of the leading problems and speculates unprecedented cases!
Unlike other writers, Shin Barry is not a well-known and experienced person in the writer's community, and you may have come across his name most of the time in cyberspace headlines, but the mission of a writer has been well-received. Because he wrote about bitter tragedies that were two years away from their occurrence.
Now, with all these details, the question arises in the subconscious of the audience, that if Shahrooz Barari Siqlani, nicknamed Shin Barari, has all the characteristics of a first-rate writer, then why do we rarely hear and read from him?
The answer to such an ambiguity must be sought in the background of his writing, and we will naturally be confused by the many and varied margins that surround his work. And how much better to hear the answer from the editor of the literary magazine and the bi-monthly comma, which, ironically, is a fellow citizen and one of his special audiences.
According to him;
Shinbury does not have a long career, but in the same ten years of his professional writing life, he has achieved special and unprecedented success. She has become a popular headline for Yellow Pages and literary publications since the support of the New York-based artist (Professor Shirin Neshat) and an interesting literary article and critique written by her diverse and deconstructive works. For one to two years, every time a new edition of the literary monthly magazine Chouk was published, he had a headline on the cover of the monthly magazine, which was either the editor's interview with Shahrooz Barri Siglani or critiques and articles about the deconstruction of this brave and courageous young man. Writing. For example, I remember copies of Chowk literary magazines and magazines, etc., which always had the name of Shin_Barari and the margins of the books published by him written on their colored covers.
The middle column of Shahrooz Barari image and headline: The emergence of a new and new writing style and the opening in writing with Shahrooz Barari Siglani
He has written many successful written or virtual literary works. The high quality of the stories written by Shahrooz Barri is not limited to a few books, but it can be said that most of the strange ones are excellent and lasting, but I can personally say that according to my own difficult taste, Shin Barri is a skilled and masterful storyteller. It is handy. But his short stories are more popular
He has won various awards and titles in the field of writing, such as;
His books are the Torgan Toronto Short Story Award
Virtual copies of his forbidden works
Golden statue and plaque of honor of the word China
But after several attempts to be clever in bypassing the monitor before printing the Ministry of Islamic Guidance and crossed expertly from the dam Fyltyryng intense and passing through razor-sharp auditors and the works of considerable size of the audit and the Forbidden publishing and distribution Slow works of
long stories such as "Wet City Postage", "Dreamer", Hajar "Nilia", the boy of Zar River and "The Grumpy Boy" are examples of his works, which were met with an unprecedented and unprecedented response after the first low-volume edition. But this work of Shane was not far from the eyes of those who are interested in literature and culture, and before the first period of reprinting his works with a very high circulation, one problem after another began, and for example I can now give a few brief examples. A provincial weekly, it published a controversial headline against Shin and more against the book audit organization, and referred to sentences with a barren meaning to his work, which, contrary to the main headline in the news description, was a small part of the weekly in the middle pages. And it was the part of culture and art, he had dealt with the story and it was just a small pillar, but this caused worse and bigger events, and a few days later, the widely circulated and national newspaper Aftab Yazd described the story with nothing but protest behind the scenes. and criticized the author since the first presidential term of Mr. doctor cleric had started and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic responsibility of the person from the reformers were (Ali Jannati _Psr Ayatollah Jannati heads the Guardian Council) Therefore, this publication Extremist rival factions that The sharp stances of the fundamentalists are well-known. The controversial headline titled "Corruption in Rasht publications" made its front page, and as a result, the warm-hearted people of Yazd in a spontaneous move protested against the Islamic Guidance Organization of their city. ..Shin Barry is a very hard-working and energetic and diligent writer He remained silent during the crisis, but continued to write steadily until he turned to the previous publishers to publish a new work and was told in a dumb language that, according to an order from above, he was allowed to collaborate and publish his works. They do not have him (note that Shin Barry has never formally received a warning, notification, summons, or even a ban on his pen, and the publishers have not received any official written document prohibiting him from working with such an author). اند. Rather, all of them were verbally persuaded by plainclothes agents to receive a restraining order against him. ) That is why the relevant authorities in your podium confidently spoke of freedom and freedom of expression, and they rightly claim that the lack of any banned in the Islamic Republic of Iran's author removed. Because there is no document that has been documented and available to prove otherwise, and they are convinced that no one will ever be able to prove the prohibition of a writer's pen , it is bitter to be shrewd because the algebra of truth is always the same taste. Such a taste does not cause him to forget the sweet taste of the clever action that led him to cross the audit barrier. In his first experience of obtaining a FIPA license and registering the classification of the country's public library and obtaining the ISBN code, he had found that the person in charge of computer files and the text of the relevant work displayed by a program that is at the bottom of the monitor and manhali page. The left shows the digits that indicate the number of letters in the file and the story version. The curator then obsessively writes down the number on the folder and glass of the work in red, then after a while the work is published, to get permission to distribute and present to the market, again to the same part and system and the same Returning, Shane cleverly realized that the Special Inspector and Supervisor was always absent, leaving all matters to a lower-ranking and subordinate supervisor, and the relevant supervisor due to the accumulation of responsibilities and lack of time and to move forward quickly. He took special action and thought that his action was reckless and perfect. Instead of reading the works line by line and word by word, he would only suffice with the number of letters he saw in his computer program, for example, a work after correction and auditing. And censorship has 50,000 letters and hyphens and punctuation.After some time and preparation of the original version and reprint and binding must be consistent with the previous and censored version, the returnee requested a file of the written work and the file was re-executed by the same software and the number of letters with The previous comparison was that if this time the number of letters and squares showed 50009, it would be an increase of 9 letters, and this would be declared against the rules and rejected. But if it showed 50,000 again, it would be considered as an effect in the sense of conformity and health . Because Shin worked with great effort and precision to change the version in such a way that the number of deleted letters was added to the number of letters and there was no change in the system in terms of the number of letters. He repeatedly abused Hussein in this way and succeeded in publishing ideas and discussions that no similar example can be found so far. For example, the controversial paragraph of Nilia " Nilia suffers from a nightmare and for his grandmother from a terrible nightmare last night The flow of the nightmare process is full of clever codes that are reminiscent of the serial murders and murders of more than seventy writers of the homeland, and he avoids direct references and speaks in such a way that the words are clear to the expert. And the obvious and the right to be told as beautifully as possible
continues ....
Read more at http://nashrejoshan.blogfa.com The
book "The best authors do not have a virtual version and this is a small corner of the reprint of the written version of this work and the best literary article that has been republished as a virtual file by the students of science and literature of Shiraz Nursing School To read this book, you can refer to book supply stores across the country, or order online from www.bookshoping.com The
price of this book in the first edition dated July 1399 as stated on the back of the book _ 200,000 Rials is equivalent to 20,000 Tomans, which will be added to a separate cost if purchased online.
__________________________________________ It is worth mentioning that the team of Shiraz School of Nursing and Midwifery has decided to publish and republish this article only because it has found the content of this article useful. And with the orientation and direction of the esteemed author, the esteemed master Shahsavari does not express any agreement or opposition.
See Vabsth∅~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N1_ your feedback contacts ================== ============= [] Website name-blog: http://Dastanak.ir [] Comment received 1399/04/16 [] Name: CceyeD Ali MolaVerDy []Thank you for your good page . I will type a part of this book in a few lines for you. From the middle of the book, page 121, last paragraph. _; In a five-minute telephone conversation with him, I inquired about his condition, a young man in his thirties who seemed to have a pleasant voice and a polite tone [] seemed more shocked, and repeated my name hesitantly several times, and finally Asked ; Do you have an installation with Mr. Shahsavari? When he remembered, I was myself. He took on a sadder tone, as if something had bothered him. [] I remembered for a moment a sharp, one-sided article I had written two years ago in his critique, which had been published in a bi-monthly comma. For this reason, he probably thought that I had called again for a scathing critique and the destruction of his artistic image. A smile appeared on my face and I asked him the reason for his sudden change of tone. I guessed right, he was not happy with me. I congratulated him. He was surprised and asked what? [] And I, with a little silence, grinned at your success in writing [];What is the success of Mr. Shahsavari? Are you kidding me? I said that I registered your name in the world Wikipedia as a short story writer and I completed your resume myself. [] I only doubted your date of birth, but I mentioned Yalda 1366 [] he said enthusiastically; That's right, I really do not know what to say to you !? Very gentleman, I really thank you. I mean, no, I really thank you .... ____________________________________________
Mahtab Blog [] Comment Received [] 1399/04/15 [] '03: 15 "[] Name: Fat ~ May Ba, T, Handle [] Commented:
I am following your page, please the text of pages 68 and 69 of this book Republish to remove shin margins. Remember http://novelll.blogfa.com
# Footnotes related to the label _ {The book of the best authors} {Mohammad Hassan Shahsavari}
* @ 1_ Daily links of the niche application =
Yen, unlike the previous two examples of domestic writers, has a strong presence in the community and the rich to poor strata of their city. It is for this reason that he has been able to incorporate an unusual and unprecedented concern into the subject of his fictional work.And with the passage of time and the removal of the veil of ambiguity, the bitter truth in society will be exposed that no one had previously thought would happen.
The topic of community mental health and domestic violence represents the general presence of society, but it is not a priority because as long as citizens are concerned about livelihood and livelihood and provide a minimum of living, never think about going to a psychologist, psychologist, family counselor, doctor Nerves, etc. will not fall and sooner or later such a thing will explode as the spark in the gunpowder depot narrows the field and increases the daily pressures, causing a tragedy.
Comprehensive in terms of material, welfare, clothing, housing, food, etc.
___________ - __ Content with a shared tag from
the Writers' Association
site and the
new book
# site are:
. # 876447_002 We divide the works of the top writers of the last decade of this century into three categories according to their position and content
. Undoubtedly, the names of many authors deserve praise and admiration. And there is a long list of successful writers of this decade, which, if we mention a few of them, will upset other writers as to why their names were not mentioned, but with these details, we can mention some successful writers by lottery and chance. Lifted on the list of the most successful of the last decades are
1_Zvya Pirzad work like who turned off the lights
2. Abbas famous, Symphony of the dead
and .....
all these authors the ability and creativity of high Layout They have words, but the subject is not so simple, and in order for a work to be successful and immortalized, there must be factors beyond the Chinese word.
One of the most valuable elements in the success and improvement of a work over other works is
love. True love to create an original and unique work.
It is due to the presence of love in writing that a true and distinguished writer raises his knowledge and awareness of the current conditions of the world so much that he cannot inevitably remain silent in the face of the oppression of a fellow human being and in any way in the post of writing a work. , Avoidance will make it difficult to be the voice of the dumb. And feel and reflect on problems before they reach a crisis. Sometimes, even after the occurrence of a heartbreaking incident, it is possible to avoid empathy and sympathy with the survivors in the process of narrating a work, such as Ms. Zoya Pirzad, who turned off the lights due to the lights,
where on the part of a The sweet old woman and traditional grandmother narrates the story of the displacement of the Armenian people by the Turkish army a hundred years ago, and how creatively she nails the Armenian sentences of the survivors of the Armenian genocide and genocide.
What creatively sifts the ambiguities and linguistic differences between Armenian and Persian speakers and finds only a few close and common words among thousands of vague and unfamiliar words and uses them in their true form and explains that in the dialect and language of an old woman from the border town of Van The word "less + one is equivalent to one + less = one" is in Persian. And .....
This is an example of a sense of duty and a sense of humanity that has an obvious and hidden
message with it. The obvious message is obvious and Needless to say, the hidden message of such a thing for the intelligentsia and the intelligentsia can be that such a writer is at the forefront of the writers of his society - such a writer understands the spiritual duty of a writer and He considers himself responsible and committed to his peers - such a writer considers himself responsible for maintaining the quality and content of the content of each line of the work he presents to the society, and willingly undertakes to research and understand the story. Investigates archives, libraries, and the present (cyberspace) because it owes itself to the need to increase the aga under the pressure of a heavy burden. Hey and knowledge, not to be forced to do research and studies related to the topic due to the removal of responsibility and the so-called removal of Katie. Not!
With love and with the aim of raising the quality of a work that invests its time, capital and energy.
A look at the codes that occurred in Shinbury's works.
Shahrooz Barari Siqlani
In the short story called "Sexual Duality", which was published in a book consisting of 15 short stories called "Paradox of Identity" by Rastegar Gilan, the well-known and first-rate author of the work, Shin Barari, talks about a story that during the course of his continuity, A child's different identity and sexual orientation causes a deep difference of opinion and rift between the child and his traditional father, the child is rejected and rushes to his independence and after a while returns home and in the middle of the night when the darkness is deep in sleep. The father decides to kill his son and ties his daughter to the bed and sets the house on fire and runs away from the house.
After a year of creating this unusual and deconstructive work to get permission to print with the many challenges faced in June 1399 bitter events in the land of green Gil happened to so interpret the story of Qin was a bitter events due to the virtual space immediately public, and no cares deeply for public opinion to try to cover.
How It is possible to anticipate such unprecedented and rare events Did he write in the form of a work of fiction? Certainly not a fortune teller and not a fortune teller, but he has the right imagination and the right worldview and has a full presence in society and among the people who has been able to fulfill the task of a real writer and talk about problems before they happen. Brought. To clarify the matter for those who do not know what the tragedy of June in Gilan was, I will explain that;
These days (ie June 1399) in Gilan, unfortunate incidents and a chain of family crimes have occurred that have affected everyone. First, when a boy takes a strange step in a fight with his half-brother and carries out his sinister plan step by step, and unfortunately, he records every step in the story section of the virtual program called Instagram, in the first step, he takes strong and calming pills. It is prepared from a reputable pharmacy in the city center, dissolved in fruit juice and injected into the juice container with a syringe. In the second stage, he gives the juice to his elder brother and takes him out of consciousness. In the second stage, he puts his brother in the trunk of his father's car and takes him out of the city. At midnight, he enters the dark dam on the old Rasht-Rudbar road with his hands and feet tied. Throw.
In a shocking crime a week later, a father in Hashtpar, Gilan, cuts off his daughter's head with a sickle and takes the severed head in his hand and takes it to the center of the village. And claims to have done so to prevent dishonor and dishonor. Because her daughter had befriended and expressed love to a 30-year-old boy.
Forty-eight hours later, in a neighborhood called Suleiman Darab, nicknamed Sarai Jamal, where the tomb of Mirzakoochak Khan Jangali is located, everyone was shocked and stunned because of disagreements and differences of opinion about the amount of inheritance of a father's house with a sister. The elder argues and eventually leads to a fight and the murder of his sister by his only brother, and the brother, in order to hide such a crime, leaves his sister inside the house, sets the house on fire, and escapes death. The truth of the crime is immediately revealed by the fire and the investigation of the crime scene, and he is arrested and confesses to his crime.
After broadcasting such news from Baran Network news, everyone was stunned and the point is that the type and range of events of this short period of time It became a first-class environment for families and relatives, it drew attention to mental health, and this was not the end of the matter, and within forty-eight hours, another sad and strange news broke in all news circles and became the first headline.
This time, as in the past, the crime was domestic violence, and during a quarrel between two brothers in the German neighborhood of Postak (a neighborhood in Golsar, Rasht), the younger brother seriously injured his brother with a cold weapon (a knife-wielding knife) and immediately killed him. The nearest clinic arrives at the scene a few hundred meters away, and as soon as he finds out that his brother has died, he escapes from the hospital and escapes, but is arrested only a few hours later.
Now, with all these details, we are facing a deep problem and problem, which, according to Abbas, a famous writer in exile, fratricide was the first crime of humanity, the first guardians and guardians in the history of Adam and Eve, who killed their families. The victim's family.
Abel and Cain, the murderer and the victim, were named so that the first murder of humanity would be of the type of domestic violence and fratricide,
as a result of the successful symphony of the dead of the
famous Abbas, beautifully .....

I have a book by Shin Barry myself and I read it, but its style is strange, cool, but by God, a wrench is needed for its brain. "Let my mother see what book I am reading or if the political ideological police arrest me and I am imprisoned and I need a compote to visit. Of course I am joking."
. For example, what is the story of the eighth tree?Why did he come and bring the eighth tree in the work of fiction literature with the name: "Garden House", and together in the book he wrote a sentence with this theme: either the eighth tree! Or the sponsor of the knife ?! Or with a toggle knife, and we take back the fight) (but this sentence is similar to the sentence of us Muslim Shiites who say: either the eighth Imam! Or the guarantor of the deer "
Well, we are Shiites and sensitive, there is a misunderstanding

I do not understand the reason for all this ruthlessness on the part of Shermin John?
So why not come up with another author to give an example? Tasteless

Ms. Vasegh, do not be too happy, because these are only from the point of view of Master Shahsavari, and at the beginning he said that since he was seen as a suitable example, he mentioned these three people, that's all.

Marzieh ____
Yeni publicly passed Zoya Piri Zad and Abbas Maroofi through Roshoon with a loader and flattened them. Nostradamus did not predict so correctly. I would say that maybe this strange writer Shin Barry has a genie and he was informed about the future. خحخخ

Oh my God, it was as if they gave me the world.Master Shahsavari, thank you for supporting Shin
This poor writer is not considered at all because he is young, but the Fajr Fiction Festival _ Toronto Tirgan Festival _ Bahram Sadeghi Award for Short Story _ Word or Chinese Word Arrangement Competitions. And ..... this Shin_Barari has been selected as the best author. But again, they do not count it out of jealousy. Meem Modabpour has only three novels. Everyone knows him. That poor child has more than ten novels, but again because he is censored anonymously.